Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mais (Corn)

In the Philippines, corn and corn products constitute about 4.5 percent of the people’s diet being the country’s second major crop next to rice. White corn varieties serve as staple food for 20 percent of the population while yellow corn is used primarily as main ingredient for poultry and livestock feeds. Increasing demand for feeds is estimated at five – six percent annually due to increasing requirements of the poultry and livestock industries.

From 2002 to 2006, Capiz was able to gain its momentum on corn production. In terms of volume of corn (yellow and white varieties) produced per year, an increase of almost 415 percent was attained, that is, 8,430 metric tons in 2002 to 35,423.60 metric tons in 2006. This gives an average increase in corn production of 6,720.90 metric tons/year.

Physical area devoted for corn production is classified into cluster and non-cluster areas. Cluster corn areas covered a total of 2,800 hectares in 2006 while only 1,960 hectares were maintained in 2007. However, for non-cluster corn areas, the area devoted for corn production has doubled, from 1,571 hectares in 2006 to 3,234 hectares in 2007. Combining the cluster and non-cluster areas for corn production, 2007 area is bigger by 773 hectares than the 2006 area. 

Though, corn industry is promising due to a tremendous increase in demands both for feeds and bio-fuels, major problems like inadequate agricultural infrastructure (dryer and warehouse) and market support facilities and services, high production costs and natural calamity greatly affect the production of corn in the province for the last five years.   

This is one of the Capiz products that all capizenios can be proud of. 

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