Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Cut Flower

Cutflower and cutfoliage are grown throughout the Philippines but industry players are considered small and have confined only to a few growers. However, for the last few years, awareness on the high return on investments in cutflower and cutfoliage production encouraged more growers to venture on it.

Despite larger area devoted to the industry, growing demand remained unserved because of shortfall in supply. Aside from being dubbed as the “Seafood Capital of the Philippines”, the Province of Capiz is also known as the “Garden Center of Northern Panay Island” because of its thriving cutflower and cutfoliage industry. Since 2003, the total area in the Province of Capiz planted to cutflower and cutfoliage is approximately 400 hectares involving 156 major producers.

The industry export performance in terms of sales is very promising. The export sales grew from $20,000 in 2003 to $33,303 in 2008, while the accounted annual domestic sales was P990,425.00.
The industry estimated total direct employment was 1,043 persons. Indirect employment such as those involved in retailing and flower arrangement has been estimated more than double than those of the direct employment. 

With the increasing demand of the export market, it is projected that the cutflower and cutfoliage industry will likely become one of the major income earner and employment providers in the province of Capiz.

Cut flower a true Capiz product.

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